Thursday, 18 April 2013

CagePrisoners Responds To Cancelled Event in Manchester

It is with regret that CagePrisoners announces the cancellation of the event “You think you know Guantanamo Bay?” which was scheduled for Thursday 18 April at Manchester Metropolitan Business School.

CagePrisoners were not the organisers of the event but provided speakers. The evening was organised by local students, and featured Jahanghir Mohammed an adviser to CagePrisoners, and Omar Deghayes, a Board Member, as well as two local respected solicitors. It provided a unique opportunity for local students to get involved and hear about the important issues of justice, abuse of human rights and how to voice their concerns and work for change, in a responsible manner, as Cage has done for many years now.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

What You Should Know About PREVENT [2.0]

What is PREVENT?

The PREVENT Strategy is a Government initiative led by the Home Office and used to target the Muslim Community. The new strategy has altered from its previous version called “PVE – Prevent Violent Extremism” since the Government has now gone beyond looking only at violence and terrorism.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

ANTI-MUSLIM ATTACKS: Telling MAMA Is Not Going to Solve the Problem

Islamophobia has not only passed the dinner table test but it has permeated British society at every level. The media, politicians, security services, policymakers and other public institutions can all be held responsible for the rise in anti-Muslim sentiment over the past few years.

Speaking at a dinner held by a new government-backed organisation, Tell MAMA - set up to monitor anti-Muslim attacks - Baroness Sayeeda Warsi the Conservative Minister for Faith and Communities, hit out at the media, which she claimed fuels the rising level of hatred and suspicion of British Muslims.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Tahir ul-Qadri: The Revolution

Amidst much fanfare and media hype, “Mujaddid of the Century, Tahir ul Qadri“, graced the starving lands of Pakistan with his nourishing presence.“Sheikh ul Islam”, Dr, Allama Mohammed Tahir-Ul-Qadri (the limitation of time, space and mere mortal intellect does not allow me to detail his full titles and praises) landed at Lahore and, amongst the showers of adulation from thousands of mureeds (followers), gave the corrupt Pakistani government an ultimatum. They had until 14th January to make the necessary changes in the current rotten system otherwise they would be besieged by a million of the destitute and frustrated Pakistanis, through a sit-in, which will culminate in the end of this PPP government.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

RAPE IN INDIA: A Societal Question

A heinous crime took place in India on 17th of December 2012, prompting some deep reflections from those who heard of the horrendous event. It aroused the intellect to assess the deeper rationale and factors behind the occurrence of such tragedies and the attitudes towards women underpinning such behaviours.

To summarise the event, 23 year old 'Damini' (her real name has been afforded anonymity by the ratings hungry media surprisingly) and a male friend were watching a movie in Delhi, the Indian capital.