Saturday 29 January 2011

Is that a WOMAN On The Touchline???

An interesting story...SkySports presenters Andy Gray (now sacked) and Richard Keys (now resigned) were reprimanded for ‘sexist comments’, made under the impression that their comments were made while ‘off air’.
Now, some of you may be wondering, what’s a Muslim doing commenting on a story like this? Surely, all Muslim males agree with the Sky presenters? As do their down trodden females, as they know their place isn’t on the touchline, but in the kitchen, ‘putting the kettle on’, as Karen ‘boiling blood’ Brady retorted.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Analysing Jack Straw’s Comments: Point-by-Point

The debate over sexual grooming was re-ignited again recently, not only with the conviction of two individuals of ‘Pakistani / Muslim heritage’, but also by comments from local MP for Blackburn, Jack Straw.
However, rather than indulge in sound bites, this article closely analyses the words of Mr Straw, and looks to raise the debate to a level above what we normally see , to dissect his statement, line by line, to elevate our understanding of the underlying truths of the situation.