Wednesday 4 May 2011

Voting on the 5th May (Part 2) – Can It Make A Difference?

This is the second article looking at the reality of voting in the context of change and progress in society. The first article discussed the feel-good factor, celebrity endorsements, AV and the reality of the economy today.

A Right Royal Hangover
Now that the Royal celebrations are behind us, we can look forward to a summer of discontent, as the reality of the morning after takes hold. While the party was in full swing, did we stop to think about the dictators the ruling elite originally invited to join in the celebrations, amongst them the Crown Prince of Bahrain, and ambassadors from the tyrannical regimes in Zimbabwe, Syria and Libya. Did we stop to consider how much it cost the taxpayer? Or the role of a monarchy in an advanced democracy such as the UK? Or even whether we support the idea of a monarchy in today’s day and age. I guess for some, any excuse for a party.