About Us

Who Are We?

We are a group of Muslims who seek to represent Islam in the best manner possible.

What Are Our Objectives?

‘...each of you is a guardian and each of you is questioned over their responsibility.’ [Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 89, Number 252]

To gain the pleasure of Allah(swt) we will, Insha’Allah...

Be a voice for the Muslim community;
Safeguard the interests of Muslims, wherever they reside;
Raise an awareness of the issues affecting the Muslim community;
 Through research, analysis, and investigation, stay informed about legislation targeting Muslim & Islamic Groups, and policies related to 'extremism' and 'violent extremism';
Nurture understanding of social problems and their root causes;
Dispel misconceptions about Muslims and Islam;
Work in our community and wider society to strengthen relations between Muslims and non-Muslims;

What Do We Do?

Write articles about a wide range of issues covering the spectrum of social, economic, political and cultural debate
Hold public events on matters of concern to the community
Participate in community events and dialogues linked to our objectives
Local project initiatives