Wednesday 12 March 2014


They are at it again!

PREVENT Officers in co-ordination with various Police Constabularies across the UK have been harassing members of the Muslim Community and contacting Masjids and Islamic Charities.

Over the course of the last couple of weeks, UK counter-terrorism police have conducted a series of raids and arrests, all in connection with Syria. Whether it has been Moazzam Begg, the Tahari family, or the heads of UK Muslim Charities, a message is being sent by the UK authorities that contributing through civil society to aid the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria is being made forbidden to the Muslim Community specifically.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

EVENT REVIEW: Is Islam Being Criminalised?

The new month (Rabi' al-Awwal, just in case you were thinking January) was witness to a blessed gathering in Manchester on Saturday. Wrong again, it wasn’t at the Etihaad Stadium, but the Eastern Pearl Banqueting Hall. Over six hundred Muslims (or were they Islamists?), both male and female (with segregated seating, I must add, out of choice), of all ages (though males aged 18- 40, better watch out, you do qualify as potential combatants) made a hijrah to listen to a much esteemed panel of speakers (or was it preachers of hate?).