Tuesday 8 November 2011

Hajj & the Solution to the World Economic Crisis

In this series of articles exploring the economic crisis facing us all, this article takes a look at the recent pilgrimage to Makkah, or hajj, currently underway for close to three million Muslims, and explores the link between the two subjects.

The pilgrimage to Makkah is traditionally viewed as a spiritual journey… exclusively. There is no doubt that the pilgrimage is a spiritual journey. It is the fifth pillar of Islam, and a duty for all those Muslims who have the means to perform it. For those who fulfil it’s commandments, there is the promise of forgiveness of pass sins, such that the haji is as if he is newly born from his mother’s womb. The worshiper visit’s the one ‘house’ which was built on the earth, for the singular worship of Allah (swt). He seeks forgiveness of his sins, and renews his relationship with his Creator.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Reflections on the Free Babar Ahmad Campaign

The Free Babar Ahmad campaign reached a staggering climax in the last couple of weeks as, after an apathetic start, interest went viral and over 30,000 signatures were posted in two days alone. The petition broke through the 100,000 well ahead of 10th November deadline. Having being involved in drumming up support for the petition in the local area in recent weeks, I wanted to share my thoughts on the campaign. I won’t go into the specifics of the case, as the details are well documented elsewhere on the internet.