Wednesday 8 January 2014

EVENT REVIEW: Is Islam Being Criminalised?

The new month (Rabi' al-Awwal, just in case you were thinking January) was witness to a blessed gathering in Manchester on Saturday. Wrong again, it wasn’t at the Etihaad Stadium, but the Eastern Pearl Banqueting Hall. Over six hundred Muslims (or were they Islamists?), both male and female (with segregated seating, I must add, out of choice), of all ages (though males aged 18- 40, better watch out, you do qualify as potential combatants) made a hijrah to listen to a much esteemed panel of speakers (or was it preachers of hate?).

Many thousands watched the event online. So what was it - It really depends on whose narrative you follow - David Cameron's, together with the sensationalist media machine at his disposal (you can imagine the headlines -'Hundreds of Islamists descend to plot the Islamification of Britain'), or a more rational one - 'Muslims making a stand to protect their faith being criminalised.' This 'cross party' (or should I say cross jamaat?) show of unity was well overdue - rarely do we see scholars and leaders come together to share a platform. But surely it is now time to set aside any trivial differences, and unite to show a show of strength.

You will recognise the names - Moazzam Begg (ex-Guantanemo), Sheikh Sulaiman Ghani (Islam Channel), Sheikh Haitham al-Haddad (Islam 21c), together with an esteemed solicitor, and prominent activists from various groups discussed the recently published Government report 'Tackling Extremism in the UK' - elaborating on the proposed legislation, it's likely impact, and how as a Muslim community we need to respond.

You may have heard the now much repeated words ‘they came for the communists, I did not speak out as I wasn’t a communist...they came for the socialists but I did not speak out.....they came for the trade unionists....and then they came for me, and there was no one to speak out for me.’

You may be thinking exactly’s those extremists, I am not one of’s those long as I can pray and fast, i don’t need to get involved. Sorry to burst your bubble...

So who actually are these Islamists this proposed legislation is aimed at, and what do they call for?

The Government has cleverly coined the phrase to make a distinction between Islam, with which they allegedly have no problem as it is a religion of peace, and the Islamists who follow a ‘distinct ideology which should not be confused with traditional religious practice’.

Do you support or promote Shari’ah Law to conduct your personal affairs? Then you’re an Islamist.
Do you support the implementation of an Islamic State in the Muslim world? You’re an Islamist.
Do you believe in the right for armed resistance against western troops in the numerous countries they invaded and occupied? And again... you’re an Islamist.
Do you disagree with certain western ideas? Like democracy? Or gender relationships? Or even evolution? Be may just be an Islamist.

After heart rendering recital of Quran, solicitor Nasir Hafezi kicked discussions off by detailing the proposed legislation and how it could impact the Muslim community. New civil powers could be used against extremists or extremist behaviour. You have heard of ASBOs (Anti-social behaviour orders), now come TEBOs... Terrorism & Extremist Behaviour Orders. They could restrict anything professional witnesses, government advisors or even the media consider as extremist – such as attending study circles, public speaking, associating with particular persons, gathering in public etc.

Jahangir Mohammed (Centre for Muslim Affairs and a contributor to Bayyina Foundation) explained how current and proposed government policies, police Islamic ideas deemed to be ‘radical’ or ‘extreme’ from the ‘cradle to grave’ – whether it’s the much debated niqab, the methodology of Islamic slaughter, the Islamic stance on teaching of homosexuality in schools, the Islamic norm of public segregation between the genders, say our verbal support for armed resistance to British forces abroad, and so on. Government programmes like ‘Channel’, the monitoring of our masajid through use of transmitters, or proposed powers to the Charities Commission to report signs of ‘radicalisation’ e.g. jummah collections could be deemed to be funding extremism, speakers could be banned, and even masajid closed.

Moazzam Begg (CagePrisoners) highlighted how Muslims are increasingly singled out for stop and search, especially at airports. How the government harasses individuals to work undercover for MI5, and the governments hand in rendition and torture abroad. Citizens are being stripped of the citizenship if they travel abroad to oppose a dictatorial tyrannical regime, such as Assad in Syria, who the British government after calling for his removal, now support him to stay on because of the ‘Islamist’ opposition. As you may be aware, Moazzam recently had his passport confiscated at Heathrow – this because he is seen as a threat to British interest for wanting to expose Government involvement in torture and detention in Syria.

Sheikh Haitham Haddad, recently identified as a ‘preacher of hate’ reminded Muslims of the Islamic obligation to live peacefully in our communities, engaging in improving the society we live in, demonstrating kindness and generosity at all times. The best way to defeat your enemy is to return any hatred or malice with a smile. To recognise, and to stay firm upon, the truth of Islam. To be deserving of the reward of Allah, to abstain from sins ourselves. Sheikh Haitham Haddad has recently been identified as a ‘preacher of hate’, because he stated that Osama bin Laden, would as a Muslim, one day enter jannah, whether we agree with his actions or not. This expression of one of the tenets of the Islamic faith was deemed to ‘glorify’ a terrorist. 

Similarly, Sheikh Sulaiman Ghani reminded the audience it was forbidden to compromise Islam by taking part of the Book (Quran) and leaving other parts. Muslims need to resist the increasing tide of secularisation in society and its effect on us as Muslims, as well as our need to continue supporting Muslims around the world in any way we are able.

In conclusion, Dr Reza Pankhurst (Hizb-ut-Tahrir) outlined the aim to prepare a document on behalf of the Muslim community, and invited signatories from the wider Muslim community. This could be used as a consultation document to advise the Government prior to legislation being passed. It will also demonstrate the strong and widespread concern of the British Muslim population in the UK.

So let us hope, that as a community, we can cast aside our minor differences, and show the willingness to come together in each of our areas, towns and cities in the same way our leaders have in staging this event, recognising the bigger threat of our faith being outlawed by stealth.

‘And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves.’ [Quran - Surah Al-Imran 3:103]

Hamid Chaudry
Bayyina Foundation

DOWNLOAD - Legal Briefing on 'Tackling Extremism' Measures

Watch The Event...

Nasir Hafezi (Soilicitor)

Abdullah al-Andalusi (Muslim Debate Initiative)

Sheikh Suleiman Ghani (Islam Channel)

Moazzam Begg (CagePrisoners)

Jahangir Mohammad (Centre for Muslim Affairs)

Sheikh Haitham al-Haddad (Islamic Shariah Council of Britain)

Dr. Reza Pankhurst (Hizb ut-Tahrir)


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